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About Me

Fitness & Fashion

My name is Alicia and for most of my life I was the woman looking at other people's photos online, on TV, and in magazines wishing that was me, but assuming that it never would be. Growing up, I not only towered over most of the children in my classes, but easily outweighed them by 100 pounds or more. Which, as you would imagine, made me a rather large target for bullying. By the age of 23, I was diagnosed with PCOS, I was prediabetic, and I had also reached a staggering 271 pounds. With my health - mental and physical - in ruin and with all previous attempts to lose weight utterly failing, I decided that I needed to make my wellness a priority. I have now lost over 100 pounds and gained a brand new life. As far from perfect as I am, I still strive on a daily basis towards health and wellness of all forms as well as teaching myself  and others of our worth.


In May of 2018, I decided to dip my toes into the world of modeling and fell absolutely in love. Since Then, I've had the pleasure  of working with multiple notable Kansas  City photographers and models.

I am honored to be able to show others that you can be confident and beautiful no matter your size or the shape of your body!


We are all stunning, but, more importantly, we are all worthy of all of the wonderful things this life has to give us. Trust me.

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